Luxoft Global Operations GmbH


Bebkevych Kristina


Upcoming Classes

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Accredited / Licensed Courses

This Member Organization has the capability to offer the following ICAgile-accredited courses.

Certification Class Track Course Description Delivery Method
ICAgile Certified Professional Agile Fundamentals Agile Fundamentals This ICAgile accredited course examines the roles and responsibilities of team members working on Agile projects, delves into the specific practices which are used on Agile projects, explains the theory and concepts behind the Agile approach and prepares team members to be immediately productive working in an Agile environment In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation ICP Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) Agile Team Coaching ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation is the first step on a way to an expert level in Agile Coaching track. It is recommended for those who want to make team meetings effective and efficient.The participants will learn how to conduct various kinds of events, how to improve a level of collaboration among participants and how to get tangible outputs from a meeting. The training includes: · Facilitation concept: what is facilitation in general, what is Agile facilitation in particular, who is a facilitator, why this role is necessary on a meeting; · Effective meeting design: meeting and group discussion structure, techniques for different meeting stages including ESVP, Brainswarming, 6 Thinking Hats, Walt Disney creativity strategy, World Café, Kano model, and many others; · Group dynamics: how to involve all participants into a discussion, how to deal with conflicts during a meeting and how to benefit from it; · Facilitation practice: each participant will have a chance to act in a role of a facilitator and get feedback from the trainer and the students; In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional Online ICAgile Certified Professional Agile Fundamentals Online ICAgile Certified Professional Remote
ICAgile Certified Professional - Business Agility Foundations Business Agility Foundations - Managing Business Complexity with Agile Business Agility Foundations Business Agility Foundations training is designed to help individuals and organizations to overcome status quo bias and accelerate business development. During the class the participants will practice four building blocks of business agility, they will: Identify the forces driving strategy and how business agility helps mitigate catastrophic disruption; Understand how different Agile frameworks fit different strategies; Learn how to identify a client’s need for business agility; Explore why some companies fail to implement Agile successfully; Interactive training activities and engaging facilitation tools will foster a spirit of joy and openness during training sessions. Remote
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation ICP Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) Agile Team Coaching ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation is the first step on a way to an expert level in Agile Coaching track. It is recommended for those who want to make team meetings effective and efficient.The participants will learn how to conduct various kinds of events, how to improve a level of collaboration among participants and how to get tangible outputs from a meeting.The training includes:· Facilitation concept: what is facilitation in general, what is Agile facilitation in particular, who is a facilitator, why this role is necessary on a meeting;· Effective meeting design: meeting and group discussion structure, techniques for different meeting stages including ESVP, Brainswarming, 6 Thinking Hats, Walt Disney creativity strategy, World Café, Kano model, and many others;· Group dynamics: how to involve all participants into a discussion, how to deal with conflicts during a meeting and how to benefit from it;· Facilitation practice: each participant will have a chance to act in a role of a facilitator and get feedback from the trainer and the students; Remote