5. Mastering the Levels of Listening
In coaching, we often talk about the three levels of listening. At level one, we are internally focused. How does what is being said impact me, and how do I want to respond to what is being said? Level one listening is the most common stance we take in our daily interactions, and it is the death of a coaching conversation.
At level two, we are focused on the person we are listening to, really hearing what they are saying and understanding their perspective. Level two is often termed "active listening"; we give verbal and non-verbal responses encouraging the speaker to continue and use our powerful questioning skills to help them explore the topic deeper.
At level three, coined as "global listening," we are deeply in tune with not just what the person is saying but hearing the messages in their silence. We read the whole person and the "emotional field" around and between us to understand the whole message.
In a coaching conversation, we sit in levels two and three listening. These levels promote respect, deep care, hearing what the other person has to say, and responding to it with curiosity and without judgment.
Shane Hastie, Skills Development Group